Vhf with large 4.3 color touchscreen display and 500 Lumens brightness Integrated receiver for AIS and GPS. DSC class D module inserted. The MMSI identifier (code of the boat released by the authority) can communicate with other boats or with the authorities on channel 70. Standard Ais and GPS functions (sog, cog, TCPA & CPA alarms and others) Standard VHF functions (channel 16, dual / triwatch, squeltc, DISTRESS, TX high at 25W and low at 1W)FOG and Anchor alarm on 20 W external optional speaker.MOB - Man Over Board allows you to save the GPS point allowing you to help a person falling into the sea in recovery. Connection with Nmea 2000 and Nmea 0183 on RS232 serial Tools display allows to
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Vhf with large 4.3 color touchscreen display and 500 Lumens brightness Integrated receiver for AIS and GPS. DSC class D module inserted. The MMSI identifier (code of the boat released by the authority) can communicate with other boats or with the authorities on channel 70. Standard Ais and GPS functions (sog, cog, TCPA & CPA alarms and others) Standard VHF functions (channel 16, dual / triwatch, squeltc, DISTRESS, TX high at 25W and low at 1W)FOG and Anchor alarm on 20 W external optional speaker.MOB - Man Over Board allows you to save the GPS point allowing you to help a person falling into the sea in recovery. Connection with Nmea 2000 and Nmea 0183 on RS232 serial Tools display allows to